Dear all:

There are a couple of LCs in our area that could rack up such large bills.
One charges by the hour and the other group often does extensive followup.
As with any practice, sometimes the extensive followup works and sometimes
it doesn't.

So you can find disappointed mothers who have worked hard to use the SNS
and build their supply who have gotten nowhere.  Or for whom the SNS really
wasn't the answer as when I had my big eye opener and did everything
against what I was taught and put a three week old who couldn't get off the
wider diameter #5 French feeding tube - so I shifted her over to a Haberman
bottle, focused on pumping and in a week the baby was back on the breast.
Who would have expected that?

I have no hard facts, the the rumor mill.  The rumor mill has it that
Michel Cohen had a big blowout with one of the LCs in Manhattan.  If that
is the case, then it is even more pathetic.

While I am happy with the fact that we do some follow up at $45 less than
an initial visit (same price as the LC who purportedly is the focus of
Michel Cohen's vehemence), we have the advantage from our Elizabeth Seton
days of having weekly support groups and small group clinics.  Right now we
don't have a downtown clinic, but I'm looking forward to when we reopen
it.  Charging a small fee, having a limited size group, is often just the
trick when mothers need just a touch of professional guidance to keep
going, but don't need an intensive home visit.  I like it for long-term
problems because the mother is more empowered - she gets to share her ideas
with other moms in a group - but also has a little help along the way.

What is so disturbing about Michel Cohen is that he has no clue how he has
damaged all of us, and that he doesn't realize that, as with us all, there
are case of his where I'm sure his clients were dissatisified.  One could
total the bills to his clients and I'm sure they would exceed the LC.  And
any one of us, I'm sure, could write a frightening book about pediatricians
have botched the nursing relationship.  Do we?  No, because we are
professionals and because the better path is to work on educating them.

Best Susan Burger, MHS, PhD, IBCLC


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