Ray Bayles:

>I am hoping someone can tell me if Bernstein's Harvard Music lectures
>are or were on CD at any time.  I think they were called The Norton
>Lectures".  I thought they were wonderful, and used to take the LP set
>of 10 lectures on 11 records from library every three or four years.
>Now the library has tossed all LP's as useless space hogs.
>I am hoping I can find them on CD or cassette tape, because my grandchild
>is ready for them, and I am ready to listen to them one more time.

Well, the first thing I do when I want information of this sort is go
to www.classical.net.  I looked in the Composers search engine for
Bernstein, found the link to the official Leonard Bernstein web site,
looked up Norton Lectures in the site search engine, and found that DVDs
and video tapes of the lectures are indeed available and for sale.

Steve Schwartz