I'd like to get a clarification on using screened bottoms in the winter.  My understanding is that bottom screens are ok as long as there is a dead air space underneath them (no chance of drafts).  I would think one needs to make sure that a hive w/ a screened bottom board is on a hive stand that will keep out drafts?

I have seen in books double-prong, H-shaped hive stands made out of 2x4's that take 2 hives each.  The stands look like this:

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In the summer the two hives are set a few inches apart and get plenty of ventilation as they stradle the prongs.  In the winter, the hives are supposed to be pushed together tight.  The prongs in the H stand end up underneath the outer sides of the bottom boards and create dead air space underneath the hives.

I have never used these and have a question: won't the top covers prevent the two hives from being pushed together?  It seems there would be about 1 1/2 in. of separation between the hives because of the top covers.

How does this work?

Thank you.

Long Island, NY

Keep in mind that, if the hives are in an area which is at all windswept,
and if the screens are exposed to drifting snow, that the wind may pack the
hive entirely full of snow from the bottom.   That will kill your bees.

If the area is protected and/or the bottom is shielded from drifting, no


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