>>Thank you, Ian. I don't have extra frames w/ cured honey. When I
open the hive, I see if they have sealed frames away from the cluster.

How do you stick a frame under the inner cover? I am thinking it will
raise the inner cover and open the hive to the elements. Do you place
a shallow or medium super around the frame under the inner cover?

Sorry, I meant to say "over" the inner cover, not under.  You see I have
my hives wrapped from Nov-April.  Fiberglass wrapped with tarpapper.
Sometimes in March during a nice warm day, ceriousity gets the best
of me and I wander through my yards, and open few of the wrapps to
see where I'm at.  Maybe nine or ten wraps between all of my yards,
I'll occasionally run upon a hungrey hive, to which I place a frame of
honey on the innercover before I rewrap the hive.  If Im really
concerned I'll feed the hive latter on.  I always seem to have granulated
frames of honey laying around after last year extraction.


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