"Still looking for world prices."

I misunderstood what was being sought.

I know of no one source for prices in different countries.  However, a few
years ago I was involved in a discussion where it was reported that there is
a cartel (which are legal in most countries) that reported such prices among
themselves.  Members were the major honey importers in each country (other
than those in America, as it would be illegal for them to be a member).

See if you can find the email for a large queen producer and honey producer
in Argentina.  Martin Baumstein...or something like that.  He used to be a
member of this list, but he has not posted in at least 2-3 years.  He may be
willing to help you.

Lloyd Spear, Owner Ross Rounds, Inc.
Manufacturers of Ross Rounds Comb
Honey Equipment, Sundance Pollen Traps
and Custom Printer of Sundance Labels.

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