On January 4th, Charles Osgood's "C.B.S.  Sunday Morning" presented its
third classical story in a month, a profile of the "King of Instruments",
the classical pipe organ.  This segment was hosted by Eugenia Zuckerman,
who is their regular classical music presenter.  Within the last 30 days
(with a pre-emtion for the Saddam Hussein capture) they've also aired
stories on pianist Lang Lang, and the concert in Washington, DC by the
Iraq Symphony Orchestra.  In the recent past, instead of 3 classical
stories in 1 month, one would be lucky to see 1 story in 3 months.  This
year is the 25th anniversary of "C.B.S.  Sunday Morning", so maybe they're
returning to their Charles Kuraltian roots.  I intend to send them an
e-mail of encouragement.  If any of you have noted this pattern, perhaps
you will do so also.

Laurence Glavin