2,3 OR MORE  QUEENS  MANAGEMENT

   All the beekeepers want to have in their hives as much bees as possible.
There are two way of getting this wish: using high performances queens or
using 2 queens in the hive.
   There are a lot of beekeeping books  teaching us about 2 queens in  the
hive and their way of management. But the management of 2 queens take time
and you need extra materials like queen excluder.
   The R omanian beekeeper Adrian Huica find out the easy way to have 2 or
more queens in the hive.It is very easy way to get this.You need only a lot
of queens ,nothing else. No excluders.
   As I have read in beekeeping books and magazines , that in a lot of
countries the beekeepers use to clip their queens . In our country, Romania,
the beekeepers don’t pay much importance to this.
   If you do have two hives with 2 clipped queens all you have to do is to
unite this two hive using “news paper “ method .After 2 or 3 days you take
out the news paper and everything  will be OK..Sometimes trying to united
the two colonies the things can go wrong and the bees can kill one of the
two queens.This  happen  very rarely. You can winter this two queens with
great succes.
   After 6  or 10 days you’ll find out in your hive  up to 6  fine queen
cells.. If you want you can distroy them or you can use them to requeen
because you can get very good queen.
   If you want you can unite in this way 2,3 or  as much as you want.
   Working this way all the hive’s products will will be 2 or 3 times bigger
that in the hive with only one queen.
   I have use this method back in 1997.I did not winter  in this way because
I need one queen to requeen.. Now in one hive I winter 2 queens and in the
spring I let you know about the wintering.
   If you want more information do not hezitate to contact me:

                                        GEORGE TAMAS
                                        45, Ms. ANTONESCU St.
                                         Sc A,Et.4 Ap9
E:MAIL : [log in to unmask]


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