1. I have data (unpublished) showing that if one artificially transfer V.d. from mellfera
to cerana drone or workers, Vd reproduces fine there in both worker and drone of A.
cerana.  Denis says this is not new and have seen it before, although I do not know
the reference.  We have several years data showing this pattern and will be
publishing it soon (I hope).  These data suggest that perhaps grooming or other
behaviors might be important in preventing the Vd from getting into cerana colonies
in the first place.

2. Denis and I have a paper in press (Apidologie) showing that in China we only
found Vd and Vj is absent in both mellifera and cerana.

3. Denis and I will try do some JH titer together in the coming meeting end of Feb.
My lab can measure JH in individual bees.  All bees (all Hymenoptera) have the
same chemically identical JH, JH-3.


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