For a normal Langstroth Deep with available frame area of 8 1/8" x16
5/8" and 22.7 cells  per sq. inch, the total cells will be 8 1/8 x 16
5/8  x 22.7 cells/sq in. x10 frames x 2 sides per frame  =61325.

If the queen was laying at 2000 eggs per day and allowing a 23 day brood
cycle (21 days + 2 days for cell cleaning), the required cells would be
46000, leaving only 15325 cells for pollen and honey storage, close to
brood , drone brood and the odd bit of damaged comb. Perhaps not an over
generous surplus of space.
However a continuous laying average of 2000 eggs per day would be
considered a bit high for our British conditions, perhaps not for
Continental climates.
Alan Riach

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