I said (off list) to Dick:

>> ...a quick search reveals that even the Atkins enthusiasts
>> don't argue about how the insulin response of the body works:
>> http://atkins.com/Archive/2002/1/11-423761.html
>>  "The insulin responses elicited by glucose,
>>   sucrose or fructose are the same as those
>>   from a starchy food with the same glycemic index."

Dick replied (on list):

> Apparently it does react differently to honey and the NHB is
> sponsering research. It seems to center around the speed of
> absorbtion, and honey can to an extent sneak by the insulin
> machine.

What the NHB's document said is:

  "The lower 'glycemic index' profile of honey is
  an important consideration for sports enthusiasts
  because when ingested just prior to exercise,
  higher glycemic index carbohydrates (like dextrose,
  maltodextrin or sucrose) may promote fatigue more
  quickly due to the corresponding release of insulin
  and faster muscle glycogen (stored carbohydrate source)

Which is perfectly true.  Honey has a lower glycemic index than
many other sweeteners.  So, while the insulin response is lower
(as clearly stated by the Atkins folks) it would be the same for
any mix of carbohydrates with the same glycemic index.

        jim (Driving a 13 mpg SUV rather than an average car
           for one year would waste more energy than if you:

            Left the refrigerator door open for 6 years
            Left the bathroom light burning for 30 years or
            Left a color television turned on for 28 years )

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