The EU really seems to "get it".

The new rules include:

  a)  100% inspection at port of entry for SHB and Tropilaelaps
      (and, one assumes, other reportable diseases and pests).

  b)  Only 20 attendants per queen cage allowed, no more.

  c)  The "20 bee limit" apparently bans packages, bad news
      for a few package producers.

I should point out in passing that the "David Byrne" mentioned
below is NOT David Byrne of the group "Talking Heads",
but the David Byrne that is the much less well-known EU Health


======== If You Cut Here, You Will Likely Break Your Monitor ===========

Brussels, 11 December 2003

Protection of Bees: Commission steps up measures against exotic parasites

The European Commission today adopted a Decision stepping up measures to protect

the EU bee population from two exotic parasites. The small hive beetle Aethina
tumida and the parasitic mite Tropilaelaps have never been reported in the EU
if introduced from third countries, they could severely endanger bee health, the

apiculture industry and honey production. To prevent the parasites from being
introduced into the EU the measures now adopted will limit imports of both live
honey bees and bumble bees and require imported bees to be examined for signs
of the parasites when they arrive in the EU.

"These two parasites have had a devastating effect on the health of honey bees,
the bee industry and the production of honey in affected third countries," said
David Byrne, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection. "The EU needs
simple import rules to make sure these bee parasites do not hitch a ride to

What damage do the parasites cause?

The small hive beetle can multiply rapidly in infested colonies where it eats
brood stock, destroys combs and, if unchecked, ultimately destroys the colony.
The Tropilaelaps mite has also been shown to cause high mortality in affected
bee colonies. The mites have also been linked to bees suffering leg and wing

These pests can disrupt pollination so they also pose a risk to the
sustainability of the apiculture industry as well as agriculture and
the environment in the EU.

What measures are already in place?

In July 2003, the Commission added these two parasites to the list of
notifiable diseases in the EU(1). This means all beekeepers who suspect
their colonies are infested have to inform the appropriate authorities
in their Member States.

Bees are imported into the EU to extend breeding stocks and to improve the
productivity of the apiculture industry but at the moment bees can enter
the EU in large consignments that are very difficult to examine rigorously
for the presence of parasites.

In view of the risks posed by these pests, additional measures were deemed
necessary. This is why the Commission proposed to limit the imports of both
live honey bees and bumble bees from third countries to prevent the parasites
spreading to the EU and introduce stringent checks for the presence of these
parasites for bee imports. The Commission's proposal was agreed with the
Member States through the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal
Health on 4-5 November 2003.

What changes can be expected?

Under the new Decision, imports of bees will be limited to consignments
containing a single queen bee with a maximum of 20 accompanying attendants.
Imports will only be authorised from third countries that have demonstrated
the necessary veterinary competence(2) to certify that animals fulfil all
criteria for import into the EU and where the small hive beetle and the
Tropilaelaps mite are notifiable diseases.

When the consignment arrives in the EU, the cages, attendants, and any other
material accompanying queens from the third country of origin must also be
sent to a laboratory where they will all be examined for the presence of the
small hive beetle, their eggs or larvae and signs of the Tropilaelaps mite.

Small colonies of bumble bees up to a maximum of 200 adults can still be
authorised for import into the EU if they have been bred and reared solely
under environmentally controlled conditions.

Next steps

The Decision will enter into force ten days after its publication in the
Official Journal. It must then be applied by all Member States. In a
separate proposal to amend Council Regulation 1774/ 2002, certain measures
to protect the EU from the small hive beetle and the Tropilaelaps mite,
together with further additional health requirements will also be laid down
in a new health certificate to accompany products for use in apiculture.

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