Quoted from the following url on bee health:


Mr. Nachbaur describes two major constraints to successful beekeeping in
the 1990s.  These are finding *high quality bee pasture and renewing
colonies that die for whatever reason* [Yoon's empahsis].  Actually, it
turns out the second constraint is also very much related to the first.
That is, Mr. Nachbaur says, "The ability of beekeepers to renew or replace
colonies that die out, or become so poor as to be a liability, is a
serious problem that can be met by applying rule number one:  keep your
bees on high quality pasture."  Failing this, Mr. Nachbaur says that
dramatic loss of colonies, such as those experienced by California
beekeepers in 1987-88, will continue.  In addition, there may be even more
frequent unexplained losses causing SAD and BAD bees in the future.


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