The likely lineup, after completion of the Summer 2004 season (which is
at end of file):

1. Britten, "BILLY BUDD"
Conductor - Donald Runnicles
Production - Willy Decker*
 [* SFO debut]
Director - Sabine Hartmannshenn*
Production Designer - Wolfgang Gussmann*
Chorus master for all productions - Ian Robertson
Billy Budd - Nathan Gunn
Edward Fairfax Vere - Kim Begley*
John Claggart - Phillip Ens
2. Mozart, "COSI FAN TUTTE"
Conductor - Michael Gielen*
Director - John Cox
Production Designer - Robert Perdziola
 - Robert Bryan*
Fiordiligi - Alexandra Deshorties*
Dorabella - Magdalena Kozena*
Despina - Frederica Von Stade (!!!)
Ferrando - Yann Beuron
Guglielmo - Hanno Muller-Brachmann*
Don Alfonso - Richard Stillwell
3. Tchaikovsky, "EUGENE ONEGIN"
Conductor - Ilan Volkov
Director - Johannes Schaaf
Production Designer - Peter Pabst
 - Manfred Voss
Choreographer - Bambi Uden
Dramaturg - Wolfgang Willaschek
Eugene Onegin - Russell Braun
Tatyana - Elena Prokina
Olga - Allyson McHardy
Lensky - Piotr Beczala
4. Verdi, "LA TRAVIATA"
Conductor - Patrick Summers /
Robert Wood* 10/5-8
Director - John Copley
Set Designer - John Conklin
Costume Designer - David Walker
Violette Valery - Ruth Ann Swenson [she's back!]/
 TBA 10/8
Alfredo Germont - Rolando Villazon*
Giorgi Germont - Dmitri Hvorostovsky /
 Zeljko Lucic 10/5-8
Conductor - Michael Boder
Director - Kasper Holten*
Production Designer - Steffen Aarfing*
 - Jesper Kongshaug*
Piet The Pot - Graham Clark
Amando - Sara Fulgoni
Amanda - Anne-Sophie Duprels
Nekrotzar - Willard White
Mescalina - Susanne Resmark*
Venus/Gepopo - Caroline Stein*
Prince Go-Go - Matthias Rexroth*
White Minister - John Duykers
Conductor - Donald Runnicles /
 Sara Jobin* [!] 12/1
Director - Nikolaus Lehnhoff
Set Designer - Raimund Bauer
Costume Designer - Andrea Schmidt-Futterer
 - Duane Schuler
Choreographer - Denni Sayers
The Dutchman - Juha Uusitalo*
Senta - Nina Stemme*
Erik - Christopher Ventris
Daland - Walter Fink*
Conductor - Sebastian Lang-Lessing*
Director - Andrew Sinclair
Production Designer - Zandra Rhodes*
 - Ron Vodicka*
Leila - Norah Amsellem
Nadir - Charles Castronovo
Zurga - William Dazeley*
Nourabad - Mark Coles
8. Tchaikovsky, "THE QUEEN OF SPADES"
Conductor - Donald Runnicles
Director - Richard Jones
Production Designer - John Macfarlane
 - Jennifer Tipton
Lisa - Katarina Dalayman*
The Countess - Hanna Schwarz
Paulina - TBA
Gherman - TBA
Prince Yeletsky - John Hancock
9. Puccini, "TOSCA"
Conductor - Donald Runnicles /
Sara Jobin* [!} 11/7
Production - Lotfi Mansouri [!]
Director - Sandra Bernhard
Production Designer - Thierry Bosquet /
 Armando Agnini
Floria Tosca - Carol Vaness
Mario Cavaradossi - Miroslav Dvorsky*
Baron Scarpia - Mark Delavan
The rest of the current season:
A. January, June-July, 2004
Puccini, "LA BOHEME"
Conductor - Donald Runnicles /
Alexander Polianichko 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29; 7/2
Director - Mark Lamos
Designer - Michael Yeargan
Rodolfo - Vinson Cole /
Rafael Suarez 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29; 7/2
Mimi - Olga Guryakova* /
Elena Prokina 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29; 7/2
Marcello - Mariusz Kwiecien* /
Scott Hendricks 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29; 7/2
Schaunard - Troy Cook /
Johannes Martin Kranzle 6/18, 29 /
Brad Alexander 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 24, 26; 7/2
Colline - Ayk Martirossian /
Friedemann Rohlig 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29; 7/2
Musetta - Dina Kuznetsova* /
Anna Netrebko 6/5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26, 29; 7/2
Benoit/Alcindoro - Peter Strummer
B. June-July, 2004
Conductor - Donald Runnicles
Stage Direction - Jossi Wieler /
 Sergio Morabito
Dramaturge - Jossi Wieler /
 Sergio Morabito
Designer - Anna Viebrock
Doktor Faust - Rodney Gilfry
Mephistopheles - Chris Merritt
Duke of Parma - TBA
Duchess of Parma - Hope Briggs*
Girl's Brother - Johannes Martin Kranzle
C. June-July, 2004
Conductor - Donald Runnicles
Director - Daniel Slater*
Designer - Robert Innes Hopkins*
Movement - Aletta Collins*
 - Simon Mills*
The Vixen - Dawn Upshaw
Fox - Dagmar Peckova*
Forester - Thomas Allen
Schoolmaster - Anthony Laciura*
Badger - Peter Strummer
Parson - Gregory Stapp
Forester's Wife - Judith Christin

Janos Gereben/SF
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