Todd said:
> acronyms are used to save repetitive typing.  Here is a partial list of
> those commonly used:
> AHB  = Africanized honey bee (apis mellifera scutellata, or "scuts")
> AM = apis mellifera ("standard" european honey bees)
> AFB = American foul brood
> EFB = European foul brood
> SBB = slotted bottom board
> FGMO = food grade mineral oil treatment for varroa & acarine mites
> VD = varroa destructor
> VJ = varroa Jacobsoni
> SHB =  small hive beetle

Sorry to be pedantic, but my understanding is that none of these are
acronyms - they are initialisations or initialisms.  An acronym must form a
pronounceable word in its own right, e.g. RADAR (for 'RAdio Detecting And
Ranging), NATO or AIDS (For 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome').

Peter Edwards
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