Hello Everyone on this thread. I've been reading this one sorta. I see
some things that make me wonder just how stupid the consumer really is. I
can definitly see doing a cold pack especially if you are a small or
hobbiest producer. I have 2 colonies with plans for more. I like honey as
much as anyone else, maybe even less. I don't consume vast quantities of
it. The idea of bottling honey right out of the extractor and labeling it
"organic" is bizarre. If you want RAW honey then buy comb honey.
 Raw honey as I am reading it( from this thread)is basically disgusting
and I would never tell my few customers to purchase it. My suggestion for
a clean definition of "raw" honey is to run your honey out of the
extractor, unheated and only filter it through the first filter from one
of those double stainless steel filters that you can buy from the supply
houses. You will get grains of pollen and tiny tiny pieces of wax in it.(
I personally do not want to eat a wax moth crysilace in my honey.) Yes it
will crystilize faster , but then all honey will do that at some point.
I'm going to save this thread for my 4H kids so they can see how wierd it
can get.

As far as "Organic" ---honey is by its nature "Organic". Again stupid
consumers OR uninformed/ ignorant consumers. All we can do is educate
them the best way we can. Our shot is at the farmshows and fairs that we
sell at or display. Theres no way we can prevent a farmer or gardener
from using a pesticide or chemical on their plants. With that thought in
mind theres no way ,unless you test, that you can know for sure that your
honey is "organic" and "chemical/pesticide" free. Look at the honey that
is tainted from China?????

Enough rambling, Good Night All

Greg Kovacs

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