Deryk Barker writes:

>There is a recent CD by David Barela on his own DGB Records label.  It's
>a single disc, but he omits the well known one - Benedictioin de Dieu
>dans la solitude - which is easily available and whose 17-18 minutes
>would otherwise require that second disc.

Yes, and that's why I was inquiring about comparable recordings.  Mr.
Barela asked me if I would like a copy of his disc and perhaps review
it as well.  I said yes to both questions, and he even sent me a 2nd
disc of a mixed recital of his on the same label.

Personally, I'm finding this body of music difficult to crack.  It's so
odd that I can listen to a Scriabin piece of music just once and feel
that I've plumbed its meaning, but these Liszt pieces are quite alien
at the moment.  Of course, it would help if I listened to the disc at
some time other than late at night when I'm entering my stupor phase
before nodding off.  Being alert is a must when the music isn't in your
comfort zone.

By the way, I think there is a new set of the "Harmonies" coming out on
Hyperion and performed by Steven Osborne who recently did an Alkan disc
which was pretty good.  Using the Thomson/Naxos set isn't the best idea
in light of the poor acoustics, so I'll likely wait to add the Osborne
to my comparable list.

Don Satz
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