Walter Meyer asked:

>...  have there been Roman Catholic masses in the classical tradition
>(whatever that means) composed to texts in the local languages, aside
>from the Misa Criolla?

Johan Helmich Roman composed "The Swedish Mass" around 1752.  It was in
Swedish, but probably wasn't used in an official church service.  It was
intended for the upper classes and was performed in The House of Nobles
or in private mansions.

Pierick Houdy, born in Rennes, France, has been a Canadian citizen since
1976.  His "La Messe Quebecoise" was televised in 1974, but I don't know
if it was done in a church.

David Fanshawe's "African Sanctus" is an unorthodox setting of the Latin
Mass integrated with authentic traditional African music recorded by the
composer on his journeys up the river Nile thorough Egypt, Sudan, Uganda
and Kenya.  This was from 1969 to 1973.
