ISEN-ASTC-L is a service of the Association of Science-Technology Centers
Incorporated, a worldwide network of science museums and related institutions.

The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science in Pittsburgh was
constructed, in 1939, specifically with a beautiful wood-paneled library
that was available, by appointment only, to teachers and other researchers.
The library was small, about 800 volumes; however, it is significant that a
library was included with the original building which, also, was small:
40,000 square feet. Regrettably, such a library was not considered a
priority with the 1991 construction of the much larger Carnegie Science

It seems that many of the newer science museums do not include any type of
library, for use by the public, with their facility. Why has something as
basic as a library been disregarded with new science museum construction?


Glenn A. Walsh
  Electronic Mail - < [log in to unmask] >
  Internet, World Wide Web Sites -
  History of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science,
  < >
  History of The Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago:
  < >
  History of Astronomer and Optician John A. Brashear:
  < >
  History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries:
  < >
  The Duquesne Incline, historic cable car railway, Pittsburgh:
  < >

>From: Sandy Eix <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Informal Science Education Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: being a resource for teachers
>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 15:34:23 -0700
>ISEN-ASTC-L is a service of the Association of Science-Technology Centers
>Incorporated, a worldwide network of science museums and related
>Hello all,
>We're exploring ways that we, as education staff at a Science Centre,
>can be a more effective resource for teachers. I'm thinking in
>particular of situations where teachers call or drop by with questions
>about science content, appropriate activities, other resources etc. (as
>opposed to print materials or packages that we create to supplement our
>exhibits and programs).
>Ideally, we'd have a fabulous library on site and a dedicated
>question-answerer. But since resources do not permit this, I'd love to
>know ways that educators at other science centres act as teacher
>Hope that's not too obscure a question.
>Sandra Eix, Ph.D.
>Exhibit and Program Development
>Science World British Columbia
>1455 Quebec Street
>Vancouver, BC
>Canada  V6A 3Z7
>Tel: 604-443-7440
>Fax: 604-443-7434
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>Science World British Columbia, a self-supporting non-profit
>organization, stimulates positive attitudes towards science and
>technology in a fun interactive environment, promoting the development
>of a knowledge-based society in British Columbia.
>More information about the Informal Science Education Network and the
>Association of Science-Technology Centers may be found at
>To remove your e-mail address from the ISEN-ASTC-L list, send the
>message  SIGNOFF ISEN-ASTC-L in the BODY of a message to
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More information about the Informal Science Education Network and the
Association of Science-Technology Centers may be found at
To remove your e-mail address from the ISEN-ASTC-L list, send the
message  SIGNOFF ISEN-ASTC-L in the BODY of a message to
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