Richard Pennycuick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Jeff Dunn replied to Steve Schwartz:
>>There's the third, William Vincent Wallace, English opera composer who
>>died in 1865.
>Not exactly.  He was Irish by birth, emigrated to Australia and played
>a leading role in the early musical life of Sydney.  He also lived and
>worked in, among others, the US and a number of European countries.
>Vincent was his own addition to his name and was the one he preferred.

I thank Richard for the correction.  All I knew was the name from some
long- forgotten article.  The Harvard Dictionary of Music gave him the
"English" designation and his dates.  Needless to say, many falsehoods
get perpetuated by reference-book errors.  Perhaps the Federal Trade
Commission should require them to put a "Reliability" sticker on every
book: "Harvard Dictionary of Music, Reliability Index 98.2%."

Jeff Dunn
Reliability Index 55% and dropping
Alameda, CA