Jeff Dunn asks:

>what is YOUR nominee for the most perfect VW?

I vote for the 4th Symphony and "Serenade to Music".  To me, the 4th is
simply amazing.  It's inventiveness defies analysis, yet it's accessible.
The counterpoint in the last movement would even impress Bach.  I was
privileged to have heard it performed live by the Chicago Symphony, under
Solti, who took the last movement at break-neck tempo.  The um-pah base
almost knocked me out of my chair.

BTW, the technique he used in the 3rd movement, playing the same
melody at different speeds at the same time, was used to a lesser degree
in the 3rd movement of his 6th, which reminds me very much of the 3rd
movement of Shostakovich's 15.  Shostakovich used the same technique
(the simultaneous speeds) in the first movements of his 15th and 2nd
Symphonies.  There's a name for this technique, but I forgot what it is,
and don't know where to look it up.  Anyone know what it's called?

Mike Leghorn