>From:  Robert Peters
>Reply To:      Moderated Classical Music List
>Sent:  Wednesday, October 1, 2003 5:50 AM
>Subject:       Bach's secret
>What is the mysterious X which makes Bach's music so touching that even
>an agnostic guy like me feels like a Christian when listening to the St

All that is possible is a personal answer, the one that works for me.
It is well expressed, I think, in the famous German Opera House saying:

"Bach gave us God's word;

Mozart gave us God's laughter;

Beethoven gave us God's fire-

God gave us music that we might pray without words."

For me, at least, Bach is the distilled contact with the Divine through
music.  And listening to his music becomes a form of wordless prayer.

Pretty subjective, I know, but I wanted to attempt to address your
legitimate question.

John Proffitt