I work as a hospital LC. Our facility does not rent or sell pumps nor bf
supplies/equipment. Sometimes I wish we did, as I have a need for a nipple
shield, e.g., or a mother of a sick or premature infant wants to hire a
pump. Sometimes, I'm glad we aren't in the business because it means more
distracting paperwork, bra fittings, and all the other ethical concerns we
have already discussed.

In fact, our facility has looked into the pump rental business and has plans
to get into that business, for 2 reasons: (1) it is a service to moms and
moms often request it and bemoan the fact that we do not offer it, and (2)
it will likely bring in revenue. The women's center mgr has stated she plans
to use the revenue for staff continuing education, as funds for that are
quite limited, or not available at all.
The LC in this setting would have to practice ethically and not recommend a
product that was not needed, and also give options so the mom could make
choices, as one poster recently said. The LC in this setting would not
profit *directly* from the sales/rentals, as the LC is paid an hourly wage.
However, the LC could possibly have increased job security related to the

Currently, we do NOT have a sales/rental program in place. I have developed
a handout explaining why I would recommend a double electric hospital-grade
pump. I list what I consider to be the top brands. Periodically I change the
handout so one pump/pump vendor is not named first and not the other. I list
all of the places that I am aware of in the Greater New Orleans area that
rents/sells pumps/products. I refer to the WIC program (USA supplemental
nutrition program for lower income families) where often moms can obtain
such pumps free of charge. If and when my facility gets into this business,
it will make my practice easier in some ways and harder in other ways. And
it will require me to examine the ethics of it all quite closely.

Laurie Wheeler, IBCLC, MN, RN
New Orleans Louisiana, s.e. USA

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