Well, it's time for my semi-annual bounty-hunting for bargains at
Berkshire, and I've been searching through the database looking for
uncharted corners of the repertoire and was wondering what I might be
missing.  Any other devotees have recommendations for the unusual or
unique releases hidden in Berkshire's listings?  For instance, they have
a recording on Schwann of the two symphonies by the philosopher-pianist
Eduard Erdmann (1896-1958).  Has anyone heard this?  And then there's
Heinz Tiessen's (1887-1971) second symphony with some other orchestral
works.  I could go on and on...

Any recommendations, especially for instrumental music from the
renaissance through conservative 20th century, would be very welcome.
For those of you not familiar I highly recommend a browse through
Berkshire's online store.  It's bare bones, but the prices can't be beat.
They have cutouts and overstock from almost 200 labels.  For instance,
they have almost 600 Hyperion releases for typically $6.99 per CD.  Their
address is: http://www.berkshirerecordoutlet.com/

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