In my 'September' posting, I favorably mentioned a disc of North
German Baroque organ music on the Arte Nova label; the performances are
by Martini who uses an historical organ.  I don't know if the review I
eventually did has yet been distributed on MusicWeb, but the recommendation
was to bypass this recording.

How did I go from favorable to not recommended?  Well, I made the
'September' comments after a couple of hearings, and I can't deny it's
always great to hear baroque organ music on a true baroque organ.  Also,
I haven't been listening much to organ music over the past year or so.
But when I seriously started digging into the Martini performances, I
quickly realized that he displays little drive or elasticity - a deadly

All my alternative recordings are more appealing, so please forgive my
hasty comments.  The final verdict is - don't bother with the disc.

Don Satz
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