Bert Bailey:

>A friend tells me that he phoned Gyorgy Sandor on Monday of this week,
>on the occasion of the 91st birthday of Bartok's favourite piano student
>and interpreter.  He reports that although the pianist's legs are very
>weak, he sounded in good spirits.

Perhaps your friend would care to pass on that one of my all-time favorite
(and oldest) recorded performances of anything is Sandor's Columbia ML
4304 recording of Bach's Overture in the French Manner (Partita #7 in B
Minor).  Limpid.  Cool.  Refreshing.  I was surprised with it on my 16th
birthday, and I have always made a personal association with that time
of year (Spring).  After half a century it is pretty beat up, but I have
never been able to find anything to replace it with--though I have tried.
Harpsichord versions just don't do it for me.

Jim Tobin