Dave Lampson wrote:

>unique releases hidden in Berkshire's listings?  For instance, they have
>a recording on Schwann of the two symphonies by the philosopher-pianist
>Eduard Erdmann (1896-1958).

Got 'em and find the first be the stronger work, but at those prices...

>...  And then there's Heinz Tiessen's (1887-1971) second symphony with
>some other orchestral works.  I could go on and on...

Tiessen did not impress as much as Erdmann.  By the way, I have several
of his piano recordings and find his playing excellent.

As for soft core 20th Century...

Just looking at Koch
If you are into Hovhaness, there is a bunch.
2 Piano works of Reger and Adolf Busch
Martin: Polytique et al
Lilburn: works
Saygun: works
All of the Rozsa discs
Any of the Rontgen works (sounds like slightly updated Brahms)
Barber: Lovers
Ghedini Musica Concertante
DelloJoio: Triumph of St. Joan and Var Chaccone and Finale
2 disc set of Randall Thompson Symphonies
Casella Concerto for Piano Trio
don't know if they still have them, but there are two discs of the
orchestral music and one of the chorus and orchestra music of Marek...I
find his music, from time to time, to be quite inspired

and if you are into bon bons

If you are a bit more daring
Tsontakis: 4 Orchestral Quartets

And while it is more familiar
The complete Noblissima Visione of Hindemith

quite a bit on Marco Polo
Aubert, Auric film music, Berners,Bruneau, Stevens, Roger-Ducasse,
Riisager, Scarmolin, Tcherepnin (Nicolai and Alexander), Glass (Louis),
Gilson, Poot, Guastavino, Lajtha, Von Einem, Sauguet, Widor (trio and

Menotti: Apocalypse

Blake: Violin Concerto (a bit sugary, but nice)
Amirov: works (like Khachaturian)

Holmboe Symphonies


so how much money did you want to spend...
