Scott Morrison's rave review of this CD reminded me of another in what
I assume to be similar vein: Vol 1 of the symphonic poems of Ernst Boehe
(1880-1938) on CPO whose site offers some tempting sound clips.  There's
a review of it, and of a number of other Marx CDs at Musicweb.

>The Bochum Symphony Orchestra is led by American-Israeli conductor
>Steven Sloane.  (I had to look up the location of Bochum which, I blush
>to admit, I'd never heard of

The orchestra made a few records for Turnabout back in the 70s.  Another
less-known orchestra I've been impressed with is that of Pecs, Hungary,
which was used for the series of orchestral music by Lajtha on Marco
Polo but don't appear to have been given any other recording gigs.

>other less familiar composers like Wilhelm Kienzl [now there's a
>composer who is due for thorough reinvestigation!] and Anton Wildgans.

One of the masochistic pleasures of CM is hearing of a composer for the
first time and wondering what the music is like, so this sentence sent
me to Grove straight away.  Kienzl's selective work list contains a dozen
operas, a lot of songs and choral music, some piano music and instrumental
work, and a number of melodramas, my least favourite form of CM.  Grove
mentions no purely orchestral works.  There are some listed for Wildgans,
whose main endeavours were in choral and chamber music.  Given some of
the out-of-the-way music that's finding its way to CD, Kienzl and Wildgans
might turn up any day now.

Richard Pennycuick