Is it just my conspriracy theorist mind at work, or is this case just TOO
similar to a plot on ER a few years back?

It is well known that the DEA and Partnership for a Drug Free America gave
(forced) ER and other well watched TV shows plots and situations to use in
their scripts, all dramtic, simplistic and tragic drug related tales. Much
of the time these plots are outside the realm of reality, yet the shows do
what they are told. And people believe.

I have no fondness for Meth or Meth users, but this story is almost too
perfect. The mother cleans up her drugs rather than call help for her baby
ect. (And this is a mother who, supposedly, takes the time an effort to
breastfeed?) Who are the "people" mentioned who helped her clean house?
People who are reducing their own sentences or plea bargaining for
submitting evidence about this case?

Of Dextroamphetamine, a related compound, Hale says,
".....although milk plasma ratio appears appears high, using a daily milk
intake of 150 mL/kg/d, the weight ajusted relative infant dose would only
be 6.7% of the maternal dose, which probably account for the fact that the
infant in this study was uneffected." The pediatric concern include
insomnia, anorexia, ect, but not death.

This implies to me that a toxic dose to a child, via human milk, would
require an almost 20 times higher dose to the mother. If amphetamine can
kill, then this mother would have been dead long before she could have
transfered any of the dose to her child.

I, for one, am suspicious. Could be just an other DEA-PDFA scam? They have
been know to plant stories in the media before. It wouldn't be the first
time. (Baby in the oven and the turkey diapered in the crib, for anyone who
remembers the made up garbage "news" stories released in the 70s?) With
National interest on Terrorism and the Economy, perhaps the DEA and PDFA
America feel a little left out.

Perhaps this story did happen, but I am reserving judgement. I find it hard
to believe that the baby could have gotten enough amphetamine to kill him
and the mother (who they are saying the drug came through) was uneffected,
and alert and coherent enough to clean up her home before police arrived.
(And if we really are dealing with a baby who REALLY died of SIDS, could
the "clean up" story be being used to explain that there were no drugs
found in the woman's home so she could be set up? As it appears no drugs
were found.)


(Once a great fan of the X Files.....)


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