On 4 Aug 2003 at 9:33, jan tempelman wrote on the Bee List:

Fron [log in to unmask]

> The Hornet type
> nest is the size of a volleyball and its entrance is the size of a
> nickle.

   The only wasps that builds a nest of that size are the European
hornet, Vespa crabo, and the similar American hornet. Hornets are
protected by law in many parts of Europe, as they are highly
beneficial in control of pest insects (they will keep your garden
clean of worms), and they are threatened by human practices. You
will have to check on your laws in your vicinity. But I would suggest
living with them anyway. They will protect their nest (which only
lasts until the next hard freeze, but are not aggressive away from
their home.

   We had a nest of American hornets by our back door a couple
years ago. They never bothered us, until the day I was loading the
car for a trip and slammed the door hard. A number came out to
attack that time, and I had to stay in for an hour, until they calmed
down. So remember that strong vibrations, also quick movements
can make them think there is a threat to their home.

    We left them alone, and they died out in the fall. I wish they
would come back.  We have photos of them on the Pollination
Home Page, which unfortunately is still down and may be for a few
more days.

Dave Green   SC  USA
The Pollination Home Page:  A "mirror" of all but the photo gallery
is now operative at  http://pollinator.info

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