Dave said:

> It is an important lesson for new users of the Internet to
> consider all posted ideas tentative...

I'd go much further, and say that one should be very
suspicious of everything one reads on the internet,
including warnings to be suspicious about what one
reads on the internet!  :)

> Anyway I wish to add my voice in protest - that I do not
> find this quote to be true at all.

Here's a "true" quote that popped into my head when I was
down at the barn.  One of the barn cats is named "Ovid",
and he "greeted" me by snaking around my ankles, a quote
from the real Ovid surfaced from the dim memories of
long-forgotten reading assignments:

        "How little you know about the age you
        live in if you fancy that honey is
        sweeter than cash in hand".

This is not some bogus out-of-context quote at all.
As I remember, the discussion was of "offerings", and
Ovid's friend was pointing out the "realities of
modern life", circa 350 BC.

Some things never change.  :)


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