The San Francisco Opera, faced with of an all-time high deficit, is
negotiating something between no-raise and "give-back" contracts with
eight unions, and there is a chance agreements may be announced before
the season opens next Saturday.

Meanwhile, in addition to layoffs, there are significant de-facto
wage cuts in effect for the year, even under the current contracts.
The chorus, for example, started rehearsals at the end of April instead
of the originally-planned date in February, plus the season is trimmed by
two weeks: the resulting loss of 10 weeks' employment means an approximately
25% reduction in salary.  Meanwhile, if you have to drive to rehearsals
and performances, you're paying 25% more for gasoline than in the spring.
"Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore in franto!"

Janos Gereben/SF
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