Musical Freedom Still Motivates Classical Label
   Fri Aug 8, 8:44 PM ET
   By Steve Smith

   NEW YORK (Billboard) - In 1998, internationally renowned
   Spanish viol virtuoso/conductor Jordi Savall and his wife,
   soprano Montserrat Figueras, founded the Alia Vox record label
   out of a sense of frustration with the limitations imposed
   by working with other labels.

   Instead of dealing with continual corporate upheaval and the
   dictates of commercialism, the pair chose a path that no doubt
   added considerably more work to schedules already crowded
   with performances by their three noted ensembles, Hesperion
   XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert de Nations.

   Five years later, Savall and Figueras can look upon their
   decision with understandable pride.  Alia Vox now boasts a
   catalog of more than 30 titles that have reaped enormous
   international acclaim -- including a recently announced Latin
   Grammy Award nomination for best classical album for last
   year's stellar recording of Biber's "Battalia" and "Requiem"
   -- as well as worldwide sales in excess of 600,000 units.

article continued here-

-Neb Rodgers <[log in to unmask]>