Licitra Sings Verdi's 'Aida' in Italy
   Mon Aug 11, 3:42 PM ET
   By Ronald Blum, Associated Press Writer

   VERONA, Italy - Ancient Egypt couldn't have been much hotter
   than this.

   With the temperature near 100 degrees Sunday night, the stage
   of the Arena di Verona was filled with hundreds of singers,
   dancers and extras drenched in sweat, performing Verdi's

   The 2,000-year-old amphitheater was originally built by Romans
   for their sordid entertainment involving lions and prisoners.
   It was given new use in 1913, when Tulio Serafin conducted
   "Aida" to celebrate the 100th anniversary year of Verdi's
   birth.  "Aida" has been central to the annual event ever
   since, a spectacle large enough to fill the vast stage.

   And Franco Zeffirelli, the master of spectacle, had what
   seemed like all of Egypt on stage - along with a huge revolving
   pyramid in the center that could have been straight out of
   the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas.

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-Neb Rodgers <[log in to unmask]>