Mikael Rasmusson ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>David Harbin wrote:
>>Today's Independent (UK) has an article on Philippe Herreweghe
>>conducting Bruckner (no. 7) and Mahler (lieder) on authentic
>>insturments.  The effect, Herreweghe says, in the Bruckner is to
>>reduce the force of the brass, making the brass less aggressive and
>>more expressive of inner uncertainty.
>What about Liszt and Wagner?  I only know of one "HIP" Liszt recording
>(On Harmonia Mundi).  I remember that I saw and heard (on TV) Symphonie
>Fantastique played on authentic instruments.  This must have been ten
>year ago.  Can anybody help me?  It was an European orchestra.

I'm not quite sure to what you are referring here.  There have been
(at least) two HIP recordings of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique
(LCP/Norrington and ORR/Eliot-Gardiner), neither of which I care for.

I can't think of any HIP Liszt recordings offhand - and did *he*
write a Symphonie Fantastique?  I don't think so, hence my confusion.
AFAIK the only two works he designated thus were the Faust Symphony (a
masterpiece IMHO) and the Dante Symphony (a good try).

There is a HIP recording of Wagner overtures (Norrington again), but
again I was distinctly underwhelmed.

Deryk Barker
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