Yoon said:

> What do packers do with that banned stuff: a further
> dilution with more good honey?

Is dilution the solution?
Better to slip it on a ship?

It would appear that barrels rejected at US ports of entry
went back to the shipper (China), and then promptly went
out again from China through (ahem) a number of different
countries on the other side of the planet, and hence back
to the US, Europe, wherever.  (See Allen's post of 7/01/03
entitled "Re: Mid US Hotline")

These guys were so sloppy that they transshipped through
places that NEVER export honey, like Singapore, and STILL
got away with it for a while.  As Bob Harrison said back
in Feb 2003,

  "Vietnam must have had the mother of all honey crops".

Bob somehow could not accept export figures that worked
out to an sudden increase in production of about 1/4 metric
ton per hive.

Sorry to point out the obvious, but let's get real:

a)  Why do you THINK anyone would go to the extra expense
    and trouble of shipping honey in round-about ways?

b)  Why would anyone go to the extra expense and trouble
    of running honey through an "ultrafiltration" process?

c)  Why do your think the export numbers I cited back in
    Feb 2003 thrashed around so much for so many countries
    during periods when there was a low worldwide honey
    price, and margins could be eaten up by shipping?

It appears that honey, like matter, is neither created
nor destroyed by man.

But false-flag honey is just like false-flag ammo.
Both are sure to explode in one's face sooner or later.

             jim (Who sailed the planet with "Lake Winnipesaukee NH"
                 on his transom and registration without any
                 questions about how a 42-foot sloop had a
                 land-locked lake for a "home port", proving
                 that all the good customs agents work the airports.)

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