Remember the pomp and ceremony for the new RCA partnership with 'MTT'
and the SFSO?  Those cheesy covers with MTT in a dodgy shirt/sweater, the
fablulous playing and exceptional sound?  Also the wonderful Villa Lobos CD
(MTT and parrott!) with exotic Romtantic music bursting through the speakers
and Renaay Flemming singing Bachianas Brasileiras No.  5?

Are any more going to be recorded or has the RCA partnership died with the
troubles in the record industry?  Is the current recording legacy of MTT/SFSO
to be restricted to yet another Mahler cycle?

I'd like to see this team tackle some adventurous music from the American
continents - Piston violin concertos, Schuman symphonies, more Villa Lobos,
a Copland 3 etc.  Is there market out there?

The parrott should be left on his/her perch though.

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK