The finest Strauss recordings I have heard are the Blomsteadt/Staaskaplle
Dresden Cds on Denon.  The recordings have impressive dymanic range (it
sounds like the air is on fire with the huge thwack of the timpani and
nblazing brass in their Tod und Verklarung) and air around the instruments.
The SD is famous for its characterful woodwinf, veiled strings, slightly
piercing brass etc.  These are tremendous recordings.  I notice a lot of
Denon stock is being reissued on cheapie labels like Brilliant Classics.
perhaps these will too one day?

I also strongly recommend the live 1944 (!) BPO/Furtwangler Sinfonia
Domestica for ardent conducting and playing of striking Romantic beauty.

A must hear.

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK