First of all: Thanks, Bert, for your detailed, well-written reply.
I always take recommendations from the folks on this list seriously.
The discs you mention seem interesting.  I've just sent in an order to
Berkshire, so these'll wait until the next one.

You wrote in your post:

>let's not forget that atonalism or even dodecaphony are not diseases,
>but simply other ways of making music.

I agree.  I think one reason I haven't listened to the music more is
lack of time.  There are so many other "tonal" works I want to listen
to first. That said,  I like Cage's music.  I have the two Naxos prepared
piano discs (8.559042 and 8.559070) and Atlas Eclipticalis/103.

Writing the above, it occurs to me that I do not know the definitions
of atonal and dodecaphonic music. If you or anyone else, would care to
let me know, I would appreciate it.

Thanks, again, Bert.

