P-O Gustafsson said:

> From my experience it takes no more than 30 sec to apply a
> sugar-water-oxalic mixture to a 2 boxes hive in autumn. I
> found no difference in efficiency between the methods.

and Phil Moore said:

> Drizzling takes about 1 - 2 minutes / hive

Perhaps I am just lazy and work too slowly, but I wish your time
studies applied to my apiary work.  My estimate is:

  1) Smoke the entrance (15 seconds)

  2) Wait for the smoke to take effect (1 - 2 minutes)

  3) Remove outer cover, inner cover, stores chamber, perhaps a feeder (1 min)

  4) Treat topmost brood chamber (30 secs)

  5) Treat second brood chamber (30 secs)

  6) Treat 3rd brood chamber  [I use 100% mediums] (30 secs)

  7) Treat bottom brood chamber (30 secs)

  8) Wonder about the bees on the inner cover (10 secs)

  9) Shrug about (8) "Get 'em next time." (2 secs)

...which adds add up to over 5 mins per hive.  It looks to me like
a vaporizer would pay for itself quickly in any but the smallest operation
assuming that one can simply insert the vaporizer into the hive entrance
and that it heats up quickly (which I hope is true - are the "dish" assemblies
less than 3/8ths inch high?  Less than 3/4 inch high?)

Sadly, all this is a moot point at the moment, as I am in the USA, where
the Environmental "Protection" Agency is glacially slow to approve
anything except things like higher limits on raw sewage in drinking water.

                jim (Who feels that even a bad day in an
                   apiary is better than many other things)

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