Lloyd Spear said:

> 2. Bee inspectors are not public health officials, or anything
>   remotely similar.

Au contraire!
At least in Virginia.
The Code of Virginia is very clear on the point.

  3.1-610.5. Inspections; measures to be taken for eradication or control of

  The Commissioner or his assistants shall examine or inspect the bees in this
  Commonwealth whenever they are suspected of being infected with American
  foulbrood disease or other contagious disease of bees, and shall inspect
  bees to be sold or to be transported interstate when requested.

  If bees are found infected with American foulbrood or other contagious disease

  of bees, the State Apiarist shall cause suitable measures to be taken for the
  eradication or control of such disease. Whenever the owner of such diseased
  bees fails or refuses to take such steps as may be prescribed by the State
  Apiarist to eradicate or control the disease, the State Apiarist shall destroy

  or treat or cause such bees, together with the hives and honey, to be
  or treated in such manner as he may deem best.

(Code 1950, §§ 3-487, 3-490, 3.1-592, 3.1-595; 1966, c. 702; 1972, c. 499.)

So, "private property rights" don't even enter into the equation.
No permission or advance notice is required, and the State Apiarist
and his inspectors ARE "public health officials", able to refuse entry
to a beekeeper with diseased (or infested) hives, quarantine an area,
and otherwise "eradicate or control the disease" "in such manner as he
may deem best".

In Virginia, our State Apiarist is also the "Endangered Species
Coordinator", which I view as both semi-redundant, and also
very appropriate in a twisted-humor sort of way.


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