Zach Huang said:

> Fluvalinate: target site is voltage gated sodium channels, important in
> generating action potentials in the nervous system, in all animals.
> these are very different target sites, as different as the target site of
> coumaphos (organophosphate),  which is acetocholinesterase.

  But how does this finding correlate with the "dual-resistance"
  to BOTH fluvalinate and coumaphos experienced by beekeepers who
  used coumaphos, and only coumaphos for a few seasons?

  From what you say, it follows that fluvalinate resistance cannot be
  "the same as" coumaphos resistance, and neither can be the same as
  "dual resistance".  This seems to imply that there is more than one
  way to be "fluvalinate resistant".

  Or am I confused?


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