David Harbin ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I found a copy of the Philips Duo Davis/RCOA which includes Haydn 104.
>I like the performance very much but feel it is just missing that extra
>bite of a period performance.  Plus I want just a bit more fire.  Could
>anyone please recommend an alternative?  Is the Bruggen worth searching

I you don't have the Mo"gens Woldike 99-104 on Vanguard, rush out and
buy them now.

Made c1956, they were the first ever recordings of the Robbins Landon
critical edition and HCRL was in the studio. Although this was the first
103/104 I ever owned, I don't think it's imprinting that makes me think
they've still never been matched.

Midprice too.

Deryk Barker
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