----- Original Message -----
From: "allen dick" <[log in to unmask]>

> Given the simplicity of sticky board monitoring, and the vital
> information that even a few boards in an apiary can return,  I find it
> hard to believe that there are still beekeepers out there who have never
> used a sticky board, but there are quite a few.  Why?


Did you mean 'sticky' specifically, or any screened floor with a tray?  I
have never used 'sticky' boards - on the basis of the work involved in
replacing them (and the cost) - but do have varroa floors with a removable
board under around 15% of my colonies.  This works, but is a terrible
breeding ground for wax moth if you do not get to the colonies regularly.

I now find that with my thymol (only) treatment (details on the website),
varroa levels are so low that there seems little point in monitoring.  I
monitor by uncapping drone brood as I inspect and so far this spring I have
probably seen less than a dozen varroa on drone larvae in 120 colonies.

Peter Edwards
[log in to unmask]

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