Bob said:

> I went to pick up a swarm awhile back and the homeowner
> actually tried to charge me $50 for the swarm after I
> commented on what a nice swarm it was.
> When I started to get back in my truck to leave the homeowner
> changed his mind and offered the swarm for free.

This reminded me of a very, very bad movie, but one with good
potential as an instructional video for bee colony removal -
"Ghostbusters".  The boys have just trapped their first ghost
in a large hotel ballroom, and need to get paid...

PETER:  We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!

HOTEL MNGR:     Did you see it? What is it?

RAY:            We got it!

HOTEL MNGR:     What is it? Will there be more of them?

RAY:            Sir, what you had there is what we refer
                to as a focused non-terminal repeating
                phantasm or a Class 5 full-roaming vapor.
                Real nasty one too!

PETER:  And now let's talk seriously.  Now, for the
                entrapment we're gonna have to ask you four
                big ones, 4 thousand dollars for that, but
                we are having a special this week on proton
            charging and storage of the beast and that's
                only gonna come to one thousand dollars, fortunately.

HOTEL MNGR: Five thousand dollars?  I had no idea it'd
                be so much. I won't pay it

PETER:  Ok, that's all right, we can just put it right
                back in there!

RAY:            We certainly can, Doctor Venkman...

HOTEL MNGR: No, no, no... Alright, anything!
            (Writes check, hands it over.)

PETER:  Thanks so much!

RAY:            Thank you, hope we can help you again.
                ...Coming through!
                One Class 5 free-roaming vapor!

Audio Clip:

        jim (Who notes that most beekeepers seem to
             have majored in yoga and gender studies,
             leaving all the negotiating skill to the
           multinationals, politicians, and pirates)

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