Dear Mimi,

I really hope that your post is meant ironically and cheeky - if this
is not the case I wonder what's happening to Lieder-L these days: is
there a virus of being unfriendly around?

>Robert Peters, you are the very same person who a few years ago was
>mentioning that he had practically every single recording ever made
>of a few Schubert cycles, yes?

Well, no. I have three time Die schone Mullerin, two times Schwanengesang
and six times Winterreise.  Not very impressive, is it?

>So why not just GIVE us your opinion instead of teasing us like ths?

Because, Mimi, I am interested in your opinion and though it a good way
to find out about out by asking.  There is no teasing in my questions.

>I already know that you think he is the best and I'm sure you know what
>makes him best to you, and probably, after reading your old messages,
>I'm certain that you don't think there is anything that you do not like
>about Schubert.

Well, again you are wrong.  To me he is one of the best Lieder composers,
but there are others I love as well: Schumann, Britten, Wolf.  I really
love Schubert's touching and moving humanity and his gift for inventing
melodies but sometimes I wish he could have been more aggressive.  Well,
I am sorry to disappoint your prejudices.

>Mimi Ezust, who never forgets.

Robert Peters, who knows the mercy of forgetting some things sometimes.