Walter Meyer wrote:

>> However, the Bartok parody of Shostakovich misses the point that
>>the Shostakovich is itself a parody.  Bartok doesn't get the joke, and
>>apparently most of the negative critics of the Seventh don't get it
>>either.  Shostakovich uses as a German "victory" march the song from
>>Lehar's Merry Widow, "I'm Going to Maxim's" (don't know what it is in
>>German), an obvious reference to the German occupation of France.

>You mean it's not a reference to Dmitri's son?

No, probably not, in the family of Shostakovich are many Maxim's. There
seemed to be an uncle etc.  Shostakovich made also film music for the
"Maxim Trilogy".  I'll think Steve is right, after all the Seventh is
about "War" and Shostakovich is more then sarcastical/ironical with this
