Karl wrote:

>As for my company, I rather doubt that is an issue, however...  My
>daytime job is that of Curator of a recordings collection.  We often
>get donations.  In one of our donations I was taken back when I found a
>pirated copy of one of the discs on my label!  I felt like our record
>company had "arrived." At least I haven't seen our stuff in the used
>bins...yet.  Guess I wouldn't mind seeing a used copy, but the pirate

It would be quite interesting to know in which format this pirated disc
surfaced, ie. was it a commercially pressed disc with full reproduction
of the printables - and I guess when You say pirated, on a different
label. I'm not out to get Karls Discs cheaper, but some elaboration would
be interesting. And also, was this one of Your historical releases or
one with "original" recordings, I hear the reissue market of historical
recordings can sometimes be a hornets nest of buzz.. (You can leave out
the pirate label name to protect Your assets!)

peter lundin, gothenburg.se -  Counting the days: DDS 100 (1906-2006)