Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>I notice that Philips has released a monster box containing all the
>Berlioz Davis recorded for them, probably including only one Symphonie
>Fantastique.  I imagine most Berliozians will have already invested in
>some of the individual CDs, which probably makes this news more annoying
>than illuminating.

Last I checked I saw in London, but not in USA, a Berlioz Philips Opera
box containing the three studio opera recordings and I did wonder whether,
in the manner of e.g.  their Boehm Ring Box, this box would lack librettos.
For a newbie to hear such operas (Berlioz or The Ring) without librettos
would be a rather confusing situation.  A box with librettos would be
great as an introduction to Berlioz.  If anyone knows whether librettos
are included, I would appreciate hearing that. One of the great things
about the LSO Live Berlioz is the very convenient librettos.

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