Dave writes:

>The pianist was Erik T. Tawaststjerna, a noted Sibelius scholar at the
>Sibelius Academy in Finland.  (Anyone know if he is still with us?  At
>least one article I found indicated he had died about 1999-2000.)

Just one small correction; the pianist is Erik Tawaststjerna Jr, the son
of the schollar and an exelent pianist.

I'm not that found of Sibelius piano music, but both the Naxos and Bis
editions make it full justice..  I seem to remember there where a series
of Sibelius Piano discs on the lagel "continuum?," a female pianist from
down under, whose name excapes me at the moment, but I think I have seen
it reissued on some budget label, Regis perhaps?

peter lundin, gothenburg.se -  Counting the days: DDS 100 (1906-2006)