
>The debate has been going on for decades, but now there is an essay worth
>reading on the subject.  Terry Teachout's article, in the current issue
>of "Commentary," tries to define what "opera" is, what makes a work a
>"musical," what the basic differences are, and where Sondheim fits into
>that equation.
>There is enough in the article to rile up both opera fans and Sondheim
>devotees (being both, I got a double dose of upset), but it also has a
>great deal of solid theory - well worth reading.
> See http://www.commentarymagazine.com/pteachout.html

I'm both, as well, and didn't find a single thing to rile me up.

Side note: I remember when Terry Teachout was a pimply college boy here
in Kansas City, stringing for the Kansas City Star, writing reviews of
the less important local musical events, and outshining the first string
guy (whose name I'm having trouble recalling).  We all knew he was headed
for bigger things.

Scott Morrison <[log in to unmask]>